Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Very Bad, No Good Day

Night before last night I told the husband that there was no repairing our marriage. After much prayer and reflection, I have realized that there can no longer be an 'us'.

He decided, then, that he wanted to see the kids yesterday... For the fourth time in six weeks. We had plans to visit my great aunt, but I agreed to let him know when we headed home so he could come visit.

The baby decided that those plans didn't necessarily work, though... At 1:00 am, Mama and I were up with a vomiting baby. Finally, we were able to get him to stop vomiting, cleaned up, and back in bed.

Unfortunately, though, it wasn't a peaceful return to bed. Baby didn't vomit anymore, but was restless and couldn't quite find comfort.

Then, this morning, after hours of no vomiting and crying for milk, I caved and gave Baby milk.

It actually stayed down for about an hour. Then, I tried to give a dose of ibuprofen for fever... Mistake! It was like feta cheese coming up! Sorry for the graphicness, but it was.

Baby vomited for about five minutes and then seemed fine again. I decided not to indulge the milk desire, though.

After a super fussy morning, Baby finally went to sleep. Around 2:00 I heard him whining, so I went to check in him. He had a dirty diaper and when I picked him up he was limp.

My first thought was that he was sleep kind of asleep, but it didn't take long for me to notice how hot he felt. So, I changed his diaper and took his temperature. The thermometer read 106.8.

"No way," was the only thought I had. So, I checked it again. This time it read 106.9. I immediately gave him a dose of Motrin and checked it again and again... It kept reading 106.8 or 106.9. I started gathering up baby and his bag to head to the ER.

I started buckling Baby in his car seat and called for the husband to bring my big girl to get in her car seat. So, we all loaded up and headed to the ER.

Getting there was a pretty quick trip, but then at check in, I was given a pager. It was that packed! And, do the waiting began.

Nine hours, two attempts at an IV, two bags of fluid, a urinalysis, chest x-rays, blood cultures, nose and throat swabs later, the doctor informed us that he had no information. That it appeared to be viral, but nothing was showing up definitively.

It was a scary, stressful afternoon and night, and thankfully it had a happy ending. We came home around midnight and after resting and lots of fluids, baby seems to be doing better.

He probably would feel even better if he would be willing to take his ibuprofen. But, he has spit it out every time I have tried giving it to him.

But, that's a good sign, I guess. A sign that his strong-willed personality is perking back up!

Hopefully, tonight will be restful and he will feel even better tomorrow. And, in praying that no one else gets it... Everyone had been vomited on except my big girl and the husband! But, maybe we'll all escape the wrath if whatever this was!


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